October 12, 2016

"Asking" "Believing" and "Allowing" all is possible with Divine Spirit...

Calling on the Divine Father and Mother of all 

To put ease in the hearts of men and women. 
Storms clear the energy and allow for new growth. 
There is a storm in the land of uncertainty. 
Let there be clarity and peace. 
Allowing all to enjoy this realm with their loved ones and people dear to their heart. 
I have seen things that seemed totally impossible cleared and renewed. 
Let nothing hold your thoughts and requests to be hid in the darkness. 
Stand out in the light and ask for peace and patience with understanding. 
Let this be so 
and allow this prayer to soar over this little planet we call earth.

We stand together those of belief
Cast this to the wind and light your candles of peace.

September 29, 2016

Break away from the crowd... and hear what you need to hear.

Gatherings are great.. but you need alone ease and flow time.
Make sure after being with so many during the day you take time to just be alone. 
To breathe, to get energized...
This way your'e not getting their "stuff" interfering with your "stuff". 
I know maybe you don't like to be alone. 
Maybe its because you don't like what you feel when you are. 
Source whispers to you in a still small voice.
 Tons of noise and never ending chatter leaves no time for the words you need to hear. 
It is the best medicine for you and your soul. 
Alone time...with 
YOU and your angels

Namaste DBLorgan

August 29, 2016

The Joy just continues!! Love is in the air....

What fun this year has been and it just keeps flowing and glowing

3 more weddings left for the year. 

So far I was with 22 couples and their families celebrating a new chapter in their lives. Averaging 150 guests each!!
What an honor!!!! I always have said I want to touch others hearts in a positive way. Well that is about "3500 people" so far.. I think my wish has been answered via the weddings. 
Reservations coming for 2017 already..
What a joy for me!! Yayy..... 
Now lets get this next book completed!!
 My fifth book to complete all others available
on Amazon. 
This one is titled: 
In the Eye of the Beholder
Namaste DBLorgan

Contact me to see if your date is still open so I can be with you.


Just a few visuals of love in the air!!!

July 8, 2016

The power of the mind is so underrated. Change can come when minds are unified. DBLorgan

 The power of the mind is so underrated.
Change can come when minds are unified. One view of the news is enough, now turn it off !!
The media always wants you to watch "their news" and the more they can get your energies up and not in a positive way the more power they are given. 
Look at your world and surround it with peace. Don't allow media to put fear in your energies. If you do more will come for you to fear.
We will have peace when you believe it is possible. 
We can change this... together
I read just last week a few groups of monks went to different villages.
Each village was in distress for one manner or another.
They all stayed there for a week and together prayed to have this situations change.
It happened. Now believe this or not it will not change my knowing and asking and receiving.
But it does work.
So together lets ask.. lets see our towns at peace and weapons of all kinds set down. When one stands in front of you with a weapon it makes your weapon appear.
One word in anger makes another appear.
It is just the way it is..
So be quite!!! with your weapons of words and intimidation and fear, lets use our gift of voice to ask all that is life to make peace in our towns.
Just trying to share and teach.
You will decide for your world and I will create mine.
Much love to all DB

June 21, 2016



Two of my many are :
1.My book will be made into a movie while I am still in this realm.
(so it touches hearts all over to believe in the magic of life and how they are watched and guided by the spirit realm) Now this might be The Memory Barrel (second edition) or In the Eye of the Beholder.

2.We will buy a lovely little house by a lake that has a dock and a row boat..So my little grans and kids and friends have a place to come sit and enjoy the serenity of life along with my Scotsman and I...
I get so excited just thinking about these. I know they will manifest!

June 10, 2016

I found another treasure to learn from... DBLorgan

Many of you know I love to learn. Well an amazing teacher in this realm shared they read this book in the beginning of their journey to living a happy life. So I am ordering it. Oh I have a happy life, yet as with all there are subconscious barriers from the past that need to be cleared. 
I am continuing my journey and taking you along with me.
Love to all... blessings DB

The magic of believing

May 30, 2016

"The Stream of Life" ~Upstream or Downstream by DBLorgan

"The Stream of Life" ~Upstream or Downstream..

Let's go for a ride on the water.
Putting your boat in you decide your direction. 
Which way do I go?
Each moment in your life whether health, family, jobs, relationships is putting your boat in the water.
Now as you do for each you must see and experience your direction.
 Downstream it is where the SOURCE OF LIFE WILL TAKE YOU .
Your standing on the shore.
You can see the direction of the water.
Which way do you face your boat?
Oh, you can face it upstream but eventually the current of life will have its way with you.

You may face up, but life (stream) will bring you to your destination in time. 


You can see this cant you? Your facing up and still floating down when you stop paddling?
Your back is to your dreams
So why not TURN AROUND
It will come.. the answers your looking for.
The joy of life that is waiting for you. 

Will there be rough water at times YES..
Will there be boulders ? YES
Will there be ease and flow? YES 
Sometimes you might have to put your boat on the shore and go around a waterfall 
or the rapids you may ride them or go to the shore.. 
Still going 
Still in the right direction. 

Source knows what you can handle and is very aware of your dreams.. Allow them to come... 
If you are going upstream YOU are paddling there and it is twice as hard. 
So decide today your direction. 
Both will give you clarity of life. 
All is well ~ DBLorgan

May 15, 2016

Carry with you treasures not trash......pack it throw it or give it away!

"Let go of the past and it will let go of you.."
I posted this yesterday and said today I would give you suggestions and ideas how to make this happen.
First: Look at it and decide if you learned from it.
Two: You won't be able to let it go or release it until you view it differently.
So let's see how to do this:
This "experience" is and will have an ongoing connection to you. Until you re-view " it again".{ Not discuss it totally so that it kicks the energy of it up again and brings it to life. We don't want to do that!}
View it from above it. Not as a participant, but looking at it from afar.
Now ... look at it as a "teacher" as a professor of this experience.
When you were in it and surrounded by it you were a "student".
You're smiling.. I think you get this analogy. Good!
Well, as a former student of this experience you PASSED..YOU MADE IT..
Now professor what will you do with this knowledge you have acquired?
Oh, you can do many things with it.
For one thing, if you see anyone else walking through the same experience you can decide to help them or not. Kind of like what I am doing with you right now.
Can you give others what they need as I am giving to you?
Words of encouragement
Words of support
Words of confidence it will stop and it will pass
You decide....
I think in your heart you know you will be able to. By doing this you're changing the "effect" the "energy" of the emotion you have carried for quite some time.
Now lets go back to YOU ..
After you have read the above and "get it" . Thank Spirit for all you came through. For bringing you through it. Appreciation and Gratitude FOR ALL is good for the soul. Now.. This is what I did.
I wrote it down. I wrote what I felt and not being too specific I wrote a letter of forgiveness. To the person or the experience. I wrote I will leave this to Spirit to take care of me and my life knowing this was temporary and a experience to be honored to know it will never come again.
Then I took it in the grass and burned it. 
Letting the ashes of it go to Spirit and LET IT GO.
Go within your home and anything that reminds you of this. If it holds the energy of me remembering this moment. You need to do something with it.
Pack it, throw it or give it away.  Just take it visually from your essence.
Light a candle thanking your spirit beings that surround you for taking such loving care of you..
Now listen to soft music and feel the release of the energy.

This of course works if you want it to.
Some people enjoy talking and re sharing the experience for many personal reasons. This is to LET IT GO.
To continue your journey only carrying treasures not trash. Now you can carry the trash forever and a day. But I love carrying my treasures.
Much love to you on your journey my friend.
Namaste DBLorgan

May 14, 2016

It is time...

It is time...

Tomorrow I will give you suggestions on how to do this!

Love to all

May 12, 2016

Unplug the stress and worry by DBLorgan

Just to guide you through overwhelm or stress:

Try to change your thought of what is concerning you. 
Think of something that makes you smile. A moment or someone. It is turning off the vibration that is feeding it within your mind. 
The moment or experience is not being given more energy by you. 
Listen to music, light a white candle and most assuredly GO OUTSIDE...take a walk or find a park, lake or something that you will be able to calm yourself. 

Remember your angels are always right beside you.
Tell them you need their help. 

Then words or signs will be given what to do next.
No storm lasts forever. In a few days you will look back on this and say.. Why was I so worried? I am taken care of, everything always works out.

 {Namaste DBLorgan}

May 7, 2016

In time and slow but always moving it comes....

All in time .....

This looks like a disorganized mess. But it is my next novel In the Eye of the Beholder. I have saved words given to me since the beginning of creating this story. (You can see)
For the last few weeks scanning the words on my pc now to gather all the pages it makes me smile . So much has already been given I just had to wait for my being ready to focus on it. 
The Memory Barrel needed to be revised first. Last April the second edition was completed and released. 
Now I am shown to go with the flow and share this book that truly was given to me.
I even have the ending right here in front of me.
My heart races with excitement it is truly a book of magical possibilities. I continue. DB

April 7, 2016

It is good to look back to see how far you have come... DBLorgan

Apr 7, 2010 Author DB Lorgan
April 7, 2010 at 7:50am ·
 WhenI first opened the box with my first novel inside.. I sobbed.
Now I wrote a second edition and my
angels had more to say.
To release this on the night of the
blue moon was a huge step for me.
I now am an author..
Touching hearts all over the world.


March 16, 2016

Our angels brought us together.. 10yrs after I wrote of "us" in a novel called The Memory Barrel

This St Pats day March 17, 2016 it will be 4 years the first day we met "face to face"( we met online).
He shared his fishing stories and I asked him if he if he was familiar with the Isle of Skye in Scotland since he was Scottish.
 He said yes! He had been there twice.
We both laughed so hard as I told him of my novel I wrote and the main character meeting someone that was Scottish and from the Isle of Skye..( I was given that story to write in 2002)....Ten years later he came to me..
Now that is one of my many angel thing moments...

March 12, 2016

Whispers in the wind by DBLorgan: Guidance to have you consider for your life

Whispers in the wind by DBLorgan: Guidance to have you consider for your life

When you are wanting answers you ask. I did I do all the time.  

 Do I expect answers yes... if not I would just be talking to myself.. lol...

February 18, 2016

Why is the novel: The Memory Barrel so magical?

Why is the novel: The Memory Barrel so magical?

How it all began: 
by DBLorgan

I began to write in journals in 2002 I had heard Oprah say it was good for you. So I did. Just for me, well maybe for my children to read later in life.
As I was writing I was so uncomfortable doing this. Since I felt I was living in the sadness instead of coming out of it.
I was given the thought, "make it into a story."
Not an autobiography, but a story of a woman somewhat similar to me but not me. The story took a life of its own, having her travel and touching lives all over the world. {I think this was my dream too, so I was making it part of the story.}
All authors do put a piece of themselves within their books.
And as long as I was having fun doing it. I knew I wanted to make it creative and magical. I had never written a book before. I am not sure if I even thought I would publish it. That is another story of the magic of this book.  I just kept writing and laughing as the twist and turns were given to me through my pencil. The words flowed onto the paper.
The story of Debra and her enjoyment of life to meeting a special man from Scotland and the Isle of Skye. He lived in the mountains of New York when he was stateside. It was just given to me. Such a lovely story was being created that surpassed time and realms. What fun!
I must add here as well that I believe in angels and guides. Since I am Irish and Iroquois well that should tell you a lot about me. 
This is the "are you kidding me" moment for you. {My angels had as much fun with me after the book was written as they did while I was writing it. }
This is where the angels played with me beyond what I ever imagined. They after 11 years of my book's beginning- to write it -to releasing The Memory Barrel in 2010.
They brought me to... a man who is of Scottish heritage in 2012.. And yes, he lived in the mountains of New York. When we met which is such a fun story to tell! I asked, hearing he was Scottish. Have you ever been to the Isle of Skye .. His reply: "Yes, twice!" I almost fell off my chair. He just couldn't imagine nor had he ever had someone ask him this..
So the story continues I will tell it to you in my gatherings. It is sure to make you believe that anything is possible if the book didn't allow you to see that already.
Truly, you have never experienced a book such as this nor will ever again.
It comes alive.. It takes you within the story as it did me..
We will meet sometime face to face I hope. 

January 29, 2016

To make you think.....

Envision this:
You're making the commitment with Spirit to come to the earthly realm....
What do you feel...Excitement?
A vision of playing,learning,experiencing?
How's it going? 😇
Well you're still here.....fix it!


January 23, 2016

Full Moon tonight... release to the Universe what is holding you back.. DBLorgan

Full Moon tonight...
I have done this many times.. Writing and releasing are very healing.
Most often I do this by the water of the lake or ocean. Just stand in the snow lol and it wont harm anything. smile emoticon
Let it go and let the Universe clear your energy.
Love to all..

January 12, 2016

Esther Hicks helped me to get it!!

I am sooo excited. Dana and I are going for a one day seminar in Buffalo with Esther Hicks.
I listen to her on you tube all the time and was guided to her in 2004 when walking through a storm .. A timely meeting that has continued with her and others I have connected with.
She helped me to "Get it"
We have many teachers in this realm to guide and make you excited about life. Find them, don't dwell in negative payback or a group that feels others are punished for not thinking the same as you.
Just think how the beloved universal spirit looks on you. Then do the same for others..

 OK stepping off my podium of words and going to put them in my books..

Be mindful of who teaches you... By DBLorgan

View things with your inner heart and soul
Angels and Guides and Spirit light beings among us. 
It was interesting someone a few weeks ago questioned so many have passed to the spirit realm. Where are they all?
 I smiled and said you are thinking Earth and all it has is the only location for abiding. 
We exist in a UNIVERSE.... and all in the other realm are Spirit light beings.
 No flesh is there..
 It is amazing how we limit our thinking. 
 Just like not to long ago they taught the earth was flat.
 Be mindful of who the "they teachers" are..

Go within and ask your angels and guides for answers.
Go into nature or by the water you will feel more connected to them there.
Light a white candle inside .. I do
then close your mind to the chatter and sounds inside and out.
It is heard within your soul words that are not vocalled for all to hear.
They are there
for answers
for guidance
for help doing things.. 
just try
and see

Namaste DBLorgan 

{One more thing... because they are light they flow through the energy. When you sense someone you love it is because they are there trying to get your attention.
Yes it makes you cry at times but after a time be playful and they will be back.
My son passed 2014 he would always buzz in my mind.. It was so constant I had to laugh and say Richie I love you and I know your there give me some time to do what I have to do.
He was like that in this realm.. Always chattering always taking up the space haha.. So he listened.. Now? Ugh he plays with my hair when I am in the middle of doing something. I laugh and say I love you baby boy.. forever and a day.. It is just how it is.. }

January 11, 2016

Dream with no limits you can very easily!!

Dreaming with no limits...
These are mine...
* 1st at the top of my list: Create a place for the elderly like the Dutch Village did for those that had dementia.. This would be all over the USA. (yes I said wish with no limits.. lol )
*2. A foundation for a schooling program nationwide named: The Enlightened Child. Now that one is dear to my heart as the elderly is as well.
*3. To set up all over the USA at Christmas those "gift booths" in the malls. What fun that would be!! Free gifts given for receivers to give to others. How fun!!
My foundation would be called... hmmm "Live the JOY." or something like that.. 
Now that was fun!!!

So along with these touch the world with my books, my wedding ceremonies and my smile.
Loving and living life to the fullest.
It is what I do.
Much love to you my dreamers and never say never when you least expect a treasure will appear.

Love and joy to all.

January 6, 2016

A timeless story for your little ones from the timeless realm by DBLorgan

Five lovely reviews so far for Forever Mom and Dad.. I am so pleased!
As it continues and I see by those that have read it many things.
I realized this is for all the children to see their Mom and Dad are FOREVER. Whether they divorce or for a reason in life the little ones are adopted.
Truly it is a book to touch their little hearts.
I see as well as they get older they will understand this more and their questions will be answered.
It is a timeless story given to me by a timeless realm.
What a gift..
Author DBLorgan

Available on Amazon.com
Soon another story to add to the gifts. "My wish for YOU"


January 1, 2016

My wish for YOU almost ready... DBLorgan

It's fun when I am almost ready to finish one book.
Then the title for the next is given to me.

First one is available now,titled "Forever Mom and Dad" (The never ending story of YOU)

Second: "My wish for YOU". (Story is completed,just waiting for the illustrations.)
Working on them now: 1/1/16

Third: "The three faces of YOU."
I havent been given the story yet but I know where it is going to go.. And I know how to wait for my spirit guides to give it to me..
I love this..

I still have to finish my novel "In the Eye of the Beholder" as well.
It is to follow my first novel: The Memory Barrel, Second Edition..
Life is amazing and never a dull moment for sure.
All my books are available on Amazon.com

Much love to all