February 26, 2014

Your library of LIFE...

Every relationship is a story..
Maybe a mystery, maybe a drama, maybe a love story, or a fairytale.
 Maybe just a comfy book to know it makes you just feel good.
You could read it over and over and see more from it.
Sometimes the books that don't give you that good feeling inside,
need to be set on the shelf of "I wish you well"... and then continue on.
It is a good choice...
so many things to enjoy in this realm,
 why not pick the ones that make you smile laugh and give you joy.
{It is life...}
Your life, you chose....

February 23, 2014

Choices sometimes need to be in script....

Good Morn..

As I begin my Sunday morn I felt I wanted to share a thought that was given to me yesterday..
CHOICES IN LIFE, Decisions expressed need to be said.
Not avoided
Write them on a paper and sign it is the only way it can be recognized in the eyes of the world.
We need birth certificates: signed by us as parents to confirm this is our child. Even though that is known without a paper.
They need to be signed to show you are married to this person. Even though it took place before the paper.
This is the hard one...
We avoid this paper, we don't like to think of not being here. Well I am hopefully going to find the right words to write here to let you know. It is needed..
It is truly necessary. Oh most of my family knows my wishes, of course. I will not explain them here since I don't want to sway anyone in thinking on this the way I do. It is your decision..
So just go online and make an official will.. Or find someone to assist you..  It makes the choices so much easier on the family and friends still standing in this realm, if you write the words. Be clear gentle and concise.
 Remember your loved ones are not DEAD.. they are with you when you need them. Truly!
There... I opened it up.. now you have to consider.
Always here ..

February 8, 2014

Stop thinking of what entangles your mind. Think of ease and flow moments. It will bring more calm to your life.

When you sense you're having a off day..
You try not to think of things that are bothering you.
You try to feel calm within..
You know your on a edgy emotional attitude within.
Train your mind to think of something to bring a calmness over... you.
Find a lovely picture to just sit and take it within as if you're sitting there. In the moment. You are there.. you make your mind take you there. It breaks the vibrational emotion you are struggling with.
If you keep thinking the same thing and it upsets you. This is the quickest way to change it.. "STOP THINKING IT"
(smiling here)
This is my place. My memories here are wonderful, I grew from being here. I learned and played here. MY LIGHTHOUSE..
My message in a bottle.. I made a new friend with this little moment.

Leaving my "pink live strong" band on a post at the lighthouse for someone to find.
May they continue in life and I have.

Sitting on the porch just up the road from the lighthouse, Words given in this place..
To share with the world in my book. The Memory Barrel it was the true
message in a bottle for me. Casting it out unto the ocean of life.


February 2, 2014

How you think is everything

I respect all ways of thinking, if it is "do no harm".
Each has their own emotional connection to the Source of life. 
I always say I am of none I am of all. I take what is pleasing to me for me. I am very knowledge orientated and research into everything.
I can't teach if I haven't learned. I guide with my words and my actions in my life.
I do not feel you and I can only be friends if we think the same.
My ways of thinking and staying in connection with me and what I am living is a personal experience for me.

Do I expect you to stand by the water and feel the energy of life surround you..
Do I expect you to acknowledge guides or teachers in this realm and the other...
Do I expect you to feel your thoughts and words you constantly think and say will create the life your living...
No to all and more..
Just find your joy... find what makes your heart sing..
I have ... and hold it with appreciation ~