December 19, 2011

The true understanding of soul mates ~

 Soul mates.... 

Did you realize you can have more than one?
On your journey in life each person comes into your life for a purpose for you and for them. 
Some last forever and some are just for a moment in time. 
Yet all will always have a memory in your heart. 
Spirit placed them there. It is for you to see why .
Be not sad if you need to depart from their presence or they from yours since it was destined this way.
                                             Namaste DBLorgan

December 18, 2011

~Ups and Downs of life.. it is the energy of life ~

"Ups and downs"
Life has them
If you visualize a EKG monitor it has the ups and downs of your beating heart.
It is life..
 Learn from both
Yet accept them as life and know the "UP IS COMING"
~ Just keep breathing and dreaming you get there when the flow takes you there~
Namaste Diane

December 8, 2011

Your thoughts are everything ~

This is December 8th...2011----------Almost 2012----- How you look at the year has everything to do with next year..
You can say.. Life just keeps getting better and better
I had a few ups and downs but more ups and they will continue
Focus on the word that brings to you what you feel is good.
If you say it was been hard hard hard.. then you bring more of the same
If you say: it was filled with surprises which gave me clarity.. Do you see how it changes the vibration?
"My life is amazing" 
Namaste Diane

November 8, 2011

The Moment by DBLorgan

By DBLorgan
Her stillness was evident as her heart raced observing the other with her. She smiled seeing the sparkle in the eyes and wrinkles that shared the time passing. Hair showed a hint of gray but when you’re in love this doesn’t seem to capture your eyes you enjoy their presence.. The softness of their presence.

The silence was deafening, yet words in her heart she knew she had to ask.. It was everything…
“Do you love me?” Her voice quivered as she was surprised to the words vibrating from her soul. Hoping the answer that came was what her very being depended on.
Now with more confidence she echoed the words again.
“Do you love me?”
Her voice knew assuredly the answer that was coming.. that she wanted with everything to hear.

“Yes I love you…with every part of my being I love you. I adore you beyond anyone else you have ever been with. No one will come between us in this realm or the next. We are one.”
“Beyond anyone?”
“Anyone!” the voice was now assured and loving.
She could hardly hold the tears back. “Finally!!” she said “finally… it was all worth it !” she said..
Helen turned towards the door in her room. As her reflection now turned with her from the mirror, she carried the words she needed to understand.

I get it she laughed so loud.. I truly get it ! ~

This is a lesson I was shown today while I was working. We all wait for love to come outside of us to us. The truest of love is to come from within us to us. Why is it we rely on others to love us and we fail to love ourselves? Look in the mirror as Helen did.. ask yourself the questions.. See you for who you are and the wonderfulness of you.
You are alive make yourself happy, love yourself don't wait for others in order to celebrate life.
It is according to your terms your choices,your life.. Who knows you better than you?

"Your amazing.. !!!"
Much love

November 4, 2011

The Memory Barrel ~ You have to experience it for yourself....

   The Memory Barrel ~ by DBLorgan

I assure you that you have never read a book such as this before. It was given to me as I sat by the water of lakes and oceans. At times words coming as I rested under a grand old oak tree. Where did the words come from... ~You decide.

It was written for me and for you..

To see moments in life with a new set of eyes.

In the beginning it is filled with tears but as you continue the journey it transitions to clarity. The fun and the tears turn to joy and wonderment.

We all have a Memory Barrel.

When others open it will they see the joy or the sorrow?

It is for them to understand in their own world.

This book transitions from one realm to the other so one must examine which one are you walking in?

Debra Pratt went through many things that she shares with her family. They were never aware of.

She knew in the final stages of her life all would be understood and her dream of writing a book would be experienced..

Or was it?

Read following the twists and turns allowing this little book to touch you as it has almost 2000 people since its release. On that "Blue Moon night of 2009..

Go ahead open it..

I am here if you need to understand more.

Namaste ~ DBLorgan


Some say they have read it two and three times getting more each time

Some say the characters surround you so you have to continue the journey even though you need to stop.

What will you take from The Memory Barrel?

It is yours whatever it is you find..

October 16, 2011

LIFE and LIFE ~ The magic and wonderment of it all~

You were on a journey even before your first breathe..
Being protected and guided
Placed in your mother joined by your father..
 All is as it was meant to be..
Taken care of and learning..
You brought it all with you when you as a butterfly came forth from the womb.
It continues even when you don’t see it taking place….Namaste DB


September 22, 2011

Run Run Run........

Running running running.. 
 From what? 
If you run it will still chase you. 
So stop..
Let it catch up to you. 
Clarification is necessary for clarity.
 Dont address it undress it. Undress it..what? yes undress it layer by layer..
take it to the core and understand...
~ Then you wont run from it again~

Your thoughts created it and they can take it away.. Namaste DBLorgan

August 21, 2011

The rhythm of the rain ~ by DBLorgan

The rhythm of the rain
 by DBLorgan

The clouds reflect its near arrival as you watch in anticipation as feeling its presence or not. 
Wanting it either way it brings you to the place of being aware.
Maybe your babies are just stirring and you’re having your coffee.
 Or maybe you are sitting on the edge of your bed hearing the patter touch your home.
 Possibly sitting at a pc screen with a cup of coffee listening to its song as your fingers just seem to glide across the keyboard.
As you
Become entranced by the rhythm of the softness as you realize..
 Rain is needed..
Sometimes gently sometimes aggressive.
It touches the earth and enlivens it.. Just as love is in life..
Or life is in love.. ha
There does have to be life in love or it is just a motion with no feeling.
Hmm contemplation here… motion with no feeling?
 I think many people exist this way..
Listen to its softness again re-evaluate your moment since it will be an ingredient that will be included in your day.
Live life with feeling it..
If it is touching you aggressively let it.. Maybe it is trying to wake you and make you aware of YOU
If it is softly touching you savor it and bask in it let it just flow.

August 14, 2011

Relationship sense~ as easy as one plus one

Relationship sense~ as easy as one plus one
  by DBLorgan

Relationships and senses how does one connect with the other ?
It is one experience in this realm that can be comforting or one of contemplation.
My choice would be to have it comforting.
I think the best way to begin this is to discuss the senses.
We have five and the six is one of intuition dealing with the things that are less visible to the human eyes yet we know it does exist.
Which ones are important for a “relationship?”
Hmm now your thinking.. Let’s see
My sight.. Yes that would be a good start.. So wait, let’s first decide which relationship we are talking about?
Ohh, stop Diane your saying.. You are always thinking to much.
I know and I love it.
Which one?
A parent to child
A life partner
I think if we just focus on these it will actually keep us pretty occupied. What do you think?
Parent to child relationship is your first you experience in this realm.
The first sense that is quickened is sound and touch. You hear the baby’s voice and they hear yours simultaneously with your touch.
These are the “FIRST”
Well how am I doing here?
I think I would like to keep this simple.
Sometimes we make things so complicated in life.
It is time to change the story...
All relationships
Are in need of
The other senses come into factors as well but these are the top two
Can you imagine having a baby and never touching it?
Or never sharing a soft word with it..
Can you imagine having a relationship with your partner and never touching them or sharing words of love with the other?
If these two simple ingredients are missing the results will be very obvious.

Your choice

August 9, 2011

Author DBLorgan exerpt: Row Row Row your boat...with a new glimmer

Row Row Row "Your boat" DBLorgan
Exerpt coming "In the Eye of the Beholder"

Such an easy to song to sing. We learned it when we were little. Now as adults you can look back on the little blocks we thought were insignificant and see hmm there was something to it?
Downstream or up…??
What is easier.. Well come to a raging river and make that choice.
If you put your boat in the water and think up… what will happen?.. Hard paddling, strength above and beyond what you felt was going to be a nice ride.. Such is life if you select this.
We are taught by many life is a struggle, who taught “them” this tidbit of knowledge so that it is passed on from generation to generation? It is just accepted.. unless, unless  someone comes along and says..
“Hey why are you going upstream? It is easier to go down”
Then you say .. “there is a place upstream that I want to see.”
“Well why you put your boat here then”
Wouldn’t it have been better to put your boat where it was and then experience it?  Then take your experience with you and continue down the stream.
“Hmm , I never thought of it that way.”
“Change your thought change your manifestation”
“I see that!’

Now you get in the boat.. Ahh it tis going to be a nice day
I have my boat I have my oars.. Now what?
Your choice…. Choose your direction choose your elements you’re going to proceed with and let go of the shoreline.. Push out feel the water give you excitement by the speed of it or just a gentle flow.
You see it is your river of life as well.. The more thoughts into a topic the more the river flows.  As it gets stronger and stronger you become more and more confident. This is wonderful I see now where I am going.
Ease and flow.. now there is one more revelation that I am inclined to touch on just a bit..

Row Row Row "your boat".... the key is “YOUR” boat.. Don’t try to control someone else’s boat.. 
YOU can guide with words but they must learn how to paddle with BOTH OARS.. oar means... well you know.. (smiling here)
   Namaste DB

July 21, 2011

True teacher

A good teacher allows the student to see all the teacher has 
~ is within them as well ~ 
The teacher just enlightens and quickens the seed of who you 
"Truly are" 
and what your capable of has nothing to do with another's acceptance nor acknowledgment... 

July 20, 2011

Touching lives is what I love. One heart at a time ..With the gifts I have been given

Being a wedding officiant has just added so much excitement to my life.
I am creating ceremonies to have two in love share their words of wonderment and making promises to stand by each others side. Forever and a day.
My book The Memory Barrel continues to float through the world. Words shared to me from readers of their love of the book. It allowing them guidance and understanding and hope. I sigh thinking.. "Thank you"
Now being the voice that says I now pronounce you husband and wife. Or I now pronounce you partners in life.. on and on
Children, animals, friends and family are all welcome at my weddings. I will surround this couple with so much magic their hearts will sing..
As mine does being with them

July 15, 2011

Storms pass .. they always do ~ Namaste DBLorgan

All is well..........breathe through the storms and imagine another time of joy if you can, they will pass! All storms do. They move by quicker if you think of something else that brings you peace. Then they wont consume you as they did in the moment it began. It passes.......I promise Namaste DBLorgan

July 10, 2011

"Aging well" .. first to admit you are is the beginning ..

I just watched this very very informative DVD. I highly recommend this for all who are aging!! haha.. not you? Um hummm 
 Maybe you just need to age gracefully and admit it is alright to age. Some people consider it an honor and look at the aged as gems in their life. Embrace it and love it.. I am~ 
This year I will be 60, and aging well.. 
Dr. Andrew Weil's Healthy Aging

June 30, 2011

Apex Reviews: Thanks for joining us for this interview, D.B. We're looking forward to sharing more about your book with our readers.

Official Apex Reviews Interview: D.B. Lorgan (The Memory Barrel)
Apex Reviews: Thanks for joining us for this interview, D.B. We're looking forward to sharing more about your book with our readers.
What inspired you to craft this quite touching tale of loss and redemption?
 D.B. Lorgan: I never knew I was even capable of writing. I was at the time walking through some transitional moments in my life due to a very sad divorce. Watching and wondering how I would make it to the next moment knowing I had to since my children were watching and my family to my success and my ability to continue with life.

We all go through these moments one time or another. I started to journal after watching Oprah and hearing her words that it would allow me to see things clearer. Writing it down released the moment and would allow you to examine it outside of yourself.. Soo I did. As I was doing this I realized I wanted to create moments of others as well in my story transitioning it to a story of life, survival and finding the good in all that we walk through. It took me eight years to complete The Memory Barrel...I started as a journaler and ended as an author.

Changing the story so to speak and looking at life with a different set of eyes. 


We just do them and never get it!
We all go to bed at night.
You step back from the world and close your eyes,
Then go to a place of "rest and peace" Signs we are given signs and just overlook them.
So what does this show Diane?
It means when moments "exhaust you" then step back from them close your eyes and envision some moment that you were joyful in.
Hold it for awhile don't think of the problem."
As time moves on it won’t be as overwhelming
"You will see solutions clearer " Because your not totally focused on the problem
Remember the old saying
“Things will look better in the morning” ~DBLorgan

June 25, 2011

When you least expect it.... Life surprises you

I remember listening to Enya years ago as I was taking a walk in the hills of Alfred NY.. suddenly my batteries died. What? I thought..I love to listen to music when I walk. Then as I dropped my head set I was shared another sound..One I had never heard before..what was it? Well I put the segment in my next book
In the Eye of the Beholder.. you will love it. DBLorgan

June 3, 2011


Open your eyes it is time to wake up.. be aware of what is around you..
You brought it.
Believe it and you will see it.
 Yet what do you believe? 
Look around you.
That is what you believe.
Maybe it is time to change the story. DBLorgan

May 24, 2011

An angel has come to this realm in form...and magically made my daughter a MOMMY..

My grandson was born on May 19th..All babies are lovely and so full of magic they bring with them.
He has given my daughter a love that she has never experienced before.. "The love of a Mother"
There in is the truest of loves. Oh yes the love of a Father as well. Although to feel their life inside you and then to gently and determined bring them to this world. That is something one must experience to understand. It is a gift...
To sit in the room and watch her patiently bring him into this world. I asked my angels to make this a
moment that would bring her sheer joy. I was an observer, yet the days preceding this event I was her guide. She listened.. how do I know.. I saw she listened by her actions.
Now she and I have more in common than even before. We are mothers..NOW she understands. She looks at me with new eyes, and hears me with new ears. Roman Elliott Robertson will touch her soul forever and a day as she has touched mine 25 years ago.  She and her brother were my truest of gifts in this realm. I am blessed.  So is she ~  DBLorgan

May 1, 2011

To Dream.......

"To Dream"

We all are told to dream.
The word itself just enlivens something within us.
Questions come from within..
"How do I do it? What is it and how do I create it. So much is surrounding me this day. Am I still allowed to dream do I dare?"
"Of course the voice within replied. It is your life do with it as you will."
So we do.. or we say we do...
How do you know if you are?...
It is very very easy.
Do you see it?
Can you guide your thoughts to it and feel what it would be like to be there?
If not... your walking away from it. Your back is turned to it and you are going in another direction.
   When you see it and feel it as if it already were..

Everything is on its way to somewhere. There is never nothing going on.....DBLorgan

April 28, 2011

What will you do with the time you have been given? ~ DBLorgan

April 27, 2011

The true essence of  "forgiving" doesn't require your hearing from the other I am sorry......
It is unconditional 
Then you are truly on a learning journey