August 9, 2011

Author DBLorgan exerpt: Row Row Row your boat...with a new glimmer

Row Row Row "Your boat" DBLorgan
Exerpt coming "In the Eye of the Beholder"

Such an easy to song to sing. We learned it when we were little. Now as adults you can look back on the little blocks we thought were insignificant and see hmm there was something to it?
Downstream or up…??
What is easier.. Well come to a raging river and make that choice.
If you put your boat in the water and think up… what will happen?.. Hard paddling, strength above and beyond what you felt was going to be a nice ride.. Such is life if you select this.
We are taught by many life is a struggle, who taught “them” this tidbit of knowledge so that it is passed on from generation to generation? It is just accepted.. unless, unless  someone comes along and says..
“Hey why are you going upstream? It is easier to go down”
Then you say .. “there is a place upstream that I want to see.”
“Well why you put your boat here then”
Wouldn’t it have been better to put your boat where it was and then experience it?  Then take your experience with you and continue down the stream.
“Hmm , I never thought of it that way.”
“Change your thought change your manifestation”
“I see that!’

Now you get in the boat.. Ahh it tis going to be a nice day
I have my boat I have my oars.. Now what?
Your choice…. Choose your direction choose your elements you’re going to proceed with and let go of the shoreline.. Push out feel the water give you excitement by the speed of it or just a gentle flow.
You see it is your river of life as well.. The more thoughts into a topic the more the river flows.  As it gets stronger and stronger you become more and more confident. This is wonderful I see now where I am going.
Ease and flow.. now there is one more revelation that I am inclined to touch on just a bit..

Row Row Row "your boat".... the key is “YOUR” boat.. Don’t try to control someone else’s boat.. 
YOU can guide with words but they must learn how to paddle with BOTH OARS.. oar means... well you know.. (smiling here)
   Namaste DB

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