December 12, 2012

Santa and your presentation to your children

The Spirit of Christmas
Some take part in the holiday for the religious, some for the fun.
Both can be accepted or not..
My feeling of this holiday has come through many different thoughts over the years. Some acquired by just the fun of it with my family as a little girl. Which was the fondest of memories.
Then thoughts were molded by others as I got older into a different concept. Some to the religious belief and some to the you are not to do this belief. It is a blasphemy to participate in it.
All and all the choices now are seen very clearly by yours truly..
As I see it …. My life is my decision, my choices. I need not follow anyone else but know for myself what is right and joyful.
So your decision your joy your experience to take part in or not.
The little ones are curious and see the twinkly lights, the happy music that some of you groan at.
Don’t take their joy from them. Let them see feel and hear the joy and laughter..
That is the “Spirit of Christmas” a comfy man with a white beard that brings gift to all..Having magical deer that fly him all over the world to make them happy.. What is wrong with this dream..Don’t take the fun out of life for the little ones. They will carry the joy of this time with them through their adult life and give it to their grandchildren.
So does and old gent come into your home when you’re sleeping … this would be a scary thought in this day and age..
I say Santa is the spirit or magic of Christmas bringing laughter and joy to as many as would belief in laughter and joy. Not of just an innumerable pile of toys or gifts but to see family and fun is the spirit of Christmas. Time together and sharing the fun of life is the spirit of Christmas.
 A happy jolly man makes us see life through a different point of view..
He causes you to “Believe in the magic “  is what he does..
Gifts are to give laughter and joy is what he does..Gifts of the heart not of the wallet.
So who is Santa? He is the magic of Christmas.. The magic of laughter.
The magic of home and family….
I wish for all a joyful holiday season and may the laughter echo throughout your entire year….not just one day..  DBLorgan


November 28, 2012

Dare to Dream by DBLorgan

"To Dream"

We all are told to dream.

The word itself just enlivens something within us.

Questions come from within..

"How do I do it? What is it and how do I create it. So much is surrounding me this day. Am I still allowed to dream do I...dare?"

"Of course the voice within replied. It is your life do with it as you will."

So we do.. or we say we do...

How do you know if you are?...

It is very very easy.

Do you see it?

Can you guide your thoughts to it and feel what it would be like to be there?

If not your walking away from it. Your back is turned to it and you are going in another direction.

When you see it..........


                                                                                                                Author DBLorgan


October 20, 2012

May your now moments be better than your before moments..

May your now moments be better than your before moments..

Clarity of my now~

It came to mind today as I was driving home. Years ago when I was in my twenties times were hard. Money was scarce..

I remember in October driving on the back roads near where we lived looking for dry wood to throw in my car trunk.. I found it ~ I found what I needed.

The woodstove was the warmth for where I lived with my husband and two little boys..
I was the provider and protector of their well being.

Now..........I remember {40years later this moment}

I reflect knowing I have been taught that all I need is provided.
Sometimes you just have to get out there in life and drive around.
You will find what you need..
 It won't just "appear" without your asking and following where it is....

September 20, 2012

This is what you wanted ~ Law of reality

This is what you wanted
Even though this is hard to acknowledge

You bring to you what you want or think to be..
Law of attraction will accommodate you to provide you with all you believe..
Now when you change the story of lack to abundance then that will come
When you change the story of sadness to joy that will come.
If you keep the story of sadness, or unfairness or lack then that stays and surrounds you..
If you change it to a new chapter a new story then that is brought to you..
It is like reading a book your book of life.. creating your life story
How to do it..
Imagine it .. see it as if it is...
If you say I believe eating this is bad for me.. Well there you go..
now if you say I can eat what I like within appropriate proportions and my body and I will be enlivened by it.. Even if it is a piece of cake or whatever you feel is BAD.. 
Now on another level if you say... 
I feel I have to work very very hard for financial comfort.... 
If you say abundance comes to me and I have no lack of financial abundance... 
This is the game of  believe it see it and  think it create it.. want it allow it.. how ever you want to put it that is the game or reality of law of attraction....

Author DBLorgan
The Memory Barrel
Eye of the Beholder coming 2013

September 15, 2012

In time you understand why?

The Memory Painting for The Memory Barrel

I have over the years painted many many memory paintings. This one was done by me in 2006 for an example to show what they were. Moments in time captured in a painting.. First kiss.. Children.. First home.. magical moments to always remember.. This elderly couple are looking back and remembering...

 As I was completing my first novel, The Memory Barrel for the publisher {2009} I wanted to make sure the cover reflected the book.. I looked above my pc and saw this hanging on my wall .. Now I truly knew why I painted it.. it was for the book yet I didnt know that when I created it.. {My angels did} Timing everything is done for a reason in time you see why...DB

My first novel The Memory Barrel available online in all book markets.. Amazon, Barnes and Nobel on and on.
Personally signed
 copy to you or for a gift to a friend for $10 plus 2.95 S/H {USA} outside of country additional charge.

Write Diane at for further information
Payable by check or paypal
It is like no other book you have read...
Filled with life lessons from the past, living in the now and dreams coming true.. In the Eye of the Beholder is going to be even more amazing.
Namaste DBLorgan /Author

September 13, 2012

My Magical Money Tree Abundance ~ by DBLorgan

My Magical Money Tree Abundance  
~ by DBLorgan ~
{Author of The Memory Barrel and upcoming novel In the Eye of the Beholder}

Well this is something I thought I should share.. 
Some of you will laugh some of you know I have had this.. and well maybe some of you will try it.. {smiling here} 
I have had for the last two years a picture on
 the back of my door going outside..
It is a picture of a money tree.. Truly.. 
Ask my kids and friends.. 
My mother use to always say "Do you think money grows on trees?".. Hmm well maybe.. soo with that remembrance I found a picture of a money tree.. 
Yes, yes I did.. I printed it out and taped in on my door..

There.... Now it will be available when I need it..{ I thought to myself}
Then..... I also hung a $20 bill under it... {I laughed as I did this!}
Why? Did I....
I was never broke now.. never!! I would have a snug day and smile seeing the $20 bill .......
What has occurred?
"I released the energy of not having, to I have".. that is all.. 
I have a money tree.. I have money... 
I am not struggling now with finances.. 
I AM SOOOOO SERIOUS...............
So go ahead hang a money tree and a twenty on your door..
 You will see it all the time you go out and it will make you smile..
I do... I have more financial comfort now than I have ever had..

TRY IT.... HA.. {Loving life ... DBLorgan}

August 28, 2012

Unpleasant thought de-activation

Well another day of thought activity.. ha {welcome to my world~}


Lets see how to explain this.. 

YOU can not "deactivate a thought once it is activated".. 
activated is alive and pulsing
If it is something that is unpleasing how do you get it out of your head?.... 
I am smiling here cause it is really really easy... are you ready? 
Well here goes......

Then that new thought is activated and the other one looses its energy.. 
Seriously it is true..
It goes pooof.....{laughing a bit no laughing alot!!}
That doesn't mean it wont appear again it will, cause you might say hey where did that thought go.. 
and then say 
"oooops I found it and I want it to go away again!!".. 
Well my friend repeat the 
The more you focus on what your are worried of the more alive it becomes..
In time the answers will come when you are calm and at ease and flow.
 but when your in that thought the resolution will not come. 

{It is just the way it is..........
Namaste DBLorgan}

Let your thoughts flourish with what makes your heart sing.

August 22, 2012

Happiness isn't far from you...Find your happy!

This takes time to realize...
"Being Happy Alone"
Some people just grab for one person after the next looking for "their happiness"... 
They don't have it .. 
{They don't have it.. you didn't give it to them!}
It is yours 
and it is right in 
your pocket not the
YOUR happiness is one of your gems "you have". 
Someone has to stand in front of you and say.. What are you doing? 
You say " I want to be happy I need him or her to be happy!
They say
"Your looking for YOUR happiness in the wrong place." 
Then they give you clues to where it is.. 
Because they know you and if they just say.. hey it is in you. They know you wont listen. 
So they talk and talk 
andddddd talk.....
In time you listen but not right at first. 
At first you look here and look there. Where is he, where is it, I need happy...
Then one day..
 ONE DAY you reach inside yourself and feel your happiness.. 
Oh it was with you all the time....
then you look around and realize you didnt need anyone or anything for your happy.. 
Just you
LET NO ONE TAKE IT FROM YOU....! {angel things shared.. DBLorgan}

June 16, 2012

"The Stream of Life" ~Upstream or Downstream

"The Stream of Life" ~Upstream or Downstream..

Let's go for a ride on the water.
Putting your boat in you decide your direction. 
Which way do I go?
Each moment in your life whether health, family, jobs, relationships is putting your boat in the water.
Now as you do for each you must see and experience your direction.
 Downstream it is where the SOURCE OF LIFE WILL TAKE YOU .
Your standing on the shore.
You can see the direction of the water.
Which way do you face your boat?
Oh, you can face it upstream but eventually the current of life will have its way with you.

You may face up, but life (stream) will bring you to your destination in time. 

You can see this cant you? Your facing up and still floating down when you stop paddling?
Your back is to your dreams
So why not TURN AROUND
It will come.. the answers your looking for.
The joy of life that is waiting for you. 

Will there be rough water at times YES..
Will there be boulders ? YES
Will there be ease and flow? YES 
Sometimes you might have to put your boat on the shore and go around a waterfall 
or the rapids you may ride them or go to the shore.. 
Still going 
Still in the right direction. 

Source knows what you can handle and is very aware of your dreams.. Allow them to come... 
If you are going upstream YOU are paddling there and it is twice as hard. 
So decide today your direction. 
Both will give you clarity of life. 
All is well ~ DBLorgan

April 23, 2012

Believe it and see it. How did this happen?

"A wee bit of Angel Magic"
On 2009 I released to my publisher on New years eve my first novel. It is called The Memory Barrel. This night in particular was a "Blue Moon". I was told of this and felt I had to release it then to say a book such as The Memory Barrel came along once in a blue moon. It was synchronicity. I just knew that I had to let it go. Then I would be able to begin a new story. This little book has touched over 2000 hearts in two short years. Responses from readers to their experiences they had as they read the book were astounding to me. I was just a normal everyday lady that wrote a book. A story of a journey of a woman that learned many things of life, sharing them with her children even more in depth after she passed and they found her journel. It has been inspiring for me and for all that have touched it.
Now did it end there? NO...
As it says in the book on the last page .."Now it begins"
It is coming to life.. What I wrote of that was entirely at the time imagination and dreams it is coming alive NOW..
How does one write of a person or moments that will occur 12 years later and live to tell of them and share it with the world..
I AM... thus it begins.
The story of the oldscotsman
March 10 2012
He saw me a year ago and waited for me to come to him.. I was guided on March 10th to go back to this online datiing  site ..
I said to my angels you brought me here again... where is he?
There were hundreds of pages filled with faces, go to page 35 I was told by the still small voice that guides me...
I had only been there two days, I disliked this site since a year before I had met someone and thought he was the one as well. He wasnt. So with hesitation, I returned as again the thought was given to go there again.
 I clicked on page 35 and began looking down the page with a bit of a chuckle thinking how silly it was I was here again.  
Then I saw a profile that said "an oldscottsman" hmm I was surprised to see "Scotman" then I looked closer. I saw him leaning on the wing of a plane..
 I knew remembering my story from The Memory Barrel of Debra Pratt finding her man from Scotland...
I had created a magical story around a castle on the Isle of Skye .
In the book this man believed as Debra and created a dream like moment for Debra as he was to be her last love.
He was hidden in the mountains and Deb called him her mountain man hiding in the hills.
This scotsman lives near Letchworth State Park how ironic..
Did I imagine him or was I shown him 12years ago when I was writing this little book.
I thought he was fictional just created in my very imaginative mind... or was he?
"Believe it and you will see it"
If you havent read my little book I think it might be an interesting read for you.
 Especially now
My first question to the oldscotsman was.. Have you been to the Isle of Skye in Scotland?
His reply.......YES~
Now that is magic, angel magic...~ There is more to this story as well......
This clarity of a moment written years prior will be for the second edition coming of The Memory Barrel by DBLorgan ~
a true
"Angel Thing"

March 26, 2012

You are making this happen.... what to do?

Look at you complaining of your house, your relationships with others, your job, the world, your government, others religious beliefs,your health, your body..
Now take a look againnn .. I really deep look.......
The first thing to change in this life, in this realm is
What you whine and complain of brings more .. Dont you see this?
Change your thoughts change the manifestation..
How can you when it is so in your face so in your moments..
Break the vibrational connection that you are feeding to it.
You are giving it life.
REALLY?? !!!!
Think of each worry or concern in a different way..
Dont try to take them all on and expect a eureka moment to happen.
It could
But then it would be to much for you..
See your world at peace
 Then that brings it to what surrounds you.
The government is conducting itself the way it is because you all expect it to..
 Really? REALLY!
I am smiling here as I write this wondering how we allowed our thoughts to get so entangled in the conflict of indecisive people.
All with their own agenda
If you say NO to something it still brings it..
If you say YES to something that brings it as well..
So what do I say..
Less specific..
See it as you would like to have it..
"Attitude of Gratitude"
One thought at a time
It is that easy..

February 17, 2012

The Stream of Life.

"The Stream of Life"

 Can you invision your life as a stream.
 Always flowing moving in the direction to bring you to your experiences you need to learn from.
To enjoy or get clarification from?...
In this stream of life there are boulders or an occasional fast pace as white water rafting scenario.
Even a lovely waterfall...
Does this stream mean it wont be a challenge at sometime? Of course not !
Look at the pictures of,shallow water then you walk your canoe, deep and fast flowing or soft current that you just lay back and enjoy the ride..
If most of the time if your not fighting the stream it is ease and flow.
 Going forward or downstream is life enough for you.
God has the streams going in one direction..
All to have you experience what you wanted..
 Keep your eyes open to all watch for the signs you are given in the stream and on the shoreline of life. The stream of well being is there..
 Your experiencing it now..

Now to examine your position in it.
Are you rowing your boat?
Are you swimming in it?
Are you going with the current or against it?
Are you on a bridge watching it pass by?
To afraid to participate in life? Sitting on the shore? Well it will still run with you or without you..
Are you camped on the shoreline with your feet dabbling in it?
Which would be the best for you?
You decide


January 17, 2012

Where do you go, for the answer?

There is a place

Where do you go to find the answers. 
Where do you go to understand your life.
This is a common thought when moments and experiences around you are taking place.
Moments that are upsetting or stressful on your life. 
Look at your surroundings...
Concrete is around you everywhere.  People surround your very being. 
Every where you turn or look there is another house, or person. 
You think... 
I need answers...
"Go to where you will find them"
A place that is of peace 
A place where there are no humans to interfere
or concrete that blocks the wind..
Go to nature..where men had nothing to do with the creation of it..
Take a walk by a stream.. 
or go to a park near by
Look for a place where you can ask and the chatter of the world doesn't overwhelm the answer. 

It will come from within..
The voice of your angels and Spirit will let you hear 
Just remember this is something that you needed the answer to
It might not be what you wanted to hear
It might be the answer that gives you clarity..
Namaste ~ DBLorgan

January 14, 2012

The book that touches you when it is time. THE MEMORY BARREL by DBLORGAN

I just received this from someone that has had my book for over a year..
It just made me smile.
I have a confession to make. I never did finish your book when I started reading it last year. : ( Partly because I am in a book club and had a hard time keeping up with those books. Mostly because I can't sit still long enough to READ a book!! YIKES! Anyways, I picked it up the other day to start over and I cannot put it down now!!!!!! Needless to say, nothing is going to get done today!!! ha ha I can't wait till your second book comes out!!...}

So if you haven't finished it.. you will when your ready.. If you haven't bought it you will when your ready.
This entire process just amazed me...DBLorgan / Author of The Memory Barrel

January 6, 2012

Signs from the angels by DBLorgan

Angels leave you signs... 
If you come upon a white feather unexpectedly it is a message your angels are there.. 
It could appear just floating out of the air as you sit on your couch..{smile}
or in the middle of the ocean waters as your swimming and feel a bit unsettled {smile) 
or just walking along and come out of a store and there it is...
When it happens... smile and pick it up-
It is a gift for you..
. Sometimes they even fill the room with a sweet smell.. 
or you hear a voice in the wind..
They are as real as the stars in the sky....
                                                  Namaste DBLorgan

January 2, 2012

Row Row Row or Let go Let go Let go

Row Row Row or Let go Let go Let go…
Downstream or Upstream.. When in a boat people go in both directions..
Yet if your rowing upstream your “facing downstream”.. but never get there! Life is a struggle
If your rowing downstream your “facing upstream” and never really enjoy the journey..
I have a suggestion…
Let go of the oars… and TURN AROUND… enjoy the ride.. The stream of life will take you on an amazing journey…But it is about enjoying the journey.. AND SEEING WHERE YOU ARE GOING ..
{Another important observation not just of your direction is that…. You’re bringing your children and family with you. It is your RIDE.. but they are affected by it too.. } ~ DBLorgan

January 1, 2012

"I finally get it " my new story...

A NEW YEAR!!! amazing isn't it?

NOW you need to get your thoughts for what you see in this year taking place and beyond this year.
"NO resolutions"...
  If you do that your focusing on it "not happening not being and then it wont"(have you seen it in past years?)
Example: I want to lose weight I want to loose weight I am going to loose weight.. Instead see your body as healthy and as you would like it to be.. I love my body, it is so resilient and all that is good for my health will come to me.. I know I know 

I love my body, I take care of my body.
Then it comes.
Healthy and love you... it will come...start your story with: 
                                  "I finally get it ".. {Namaste Diane }