February 17, 2012

The Stream of Life.

"The Stream of Life"

 Can you invision your life as a stream.
 Always flowing moving in the direction to bring you to your experiences you need to learn from.
To enjoy or get clarification from?...
In this stream of life there are boulders or an occasional fast pace as white water rafting scenario.
Even a lovely waterfall...
Does this stream mean it wont be a challenge at sometime? Of course not !
Look at the pictures of streams..rocks,shallow water then you walk your canoe, deep and fast flowing or soft current that you just lay back and enjoy the ride..
If most of the time if your not fighting the stream it is ease and flow.
 Going forward or downstream is life enough for you.
God has the streams going in one direction..
All to have you experience what you wanted..
 Keep your eyes open to all watch for the signs you are given in the stream and on the shoreline of life. The stream of well being is there..
 Your experiencing it now..

Now to examine your position in it.
Are you rowing your boat?
Are you swimming in it?
Are you going with the current or against it?
Are you on a bridge watching it pass by?
To afraid to participate in life? Sitting on the shore? Well it will still run with you or without you..
Are you camped on the shoreline with your feet dabbling in it?
Which would be the best for you?
You decide


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