October 31, 2017

All is heard loud and clear by the Divine Spirit of life..DBLorgan

All is heard loud and clear by the Divine Spirit of life..DBLorgan

Spirit hears this..
fat, weight, bills,sadness,worry,waiting, happy, healthy,healing,appreciate,love, hate, help, guide, money, job, trust, hope,anger, fear.
Now if they are preceded by I want I wish I need I hate, that isnt heard. So chose your statements perfectly to what you want.
Words are expressions and "the emotion" behind them is what is heard and given.. You can see by what you are surrounded with what is heard. Change your thought change your emotion change you vibration and all is well..

* A special awareness is needed here as well:
There is difference with "prayer" and the "law of attraction"
Prayer is a conversation of the heart to the Divine
Law of attraction is what you believe is possible and bring it to you.
Two totally different energies.
Prayer or conversations with Spirit "Words verbally" arent necessary. In the realm of spirit communication takes place with your soul. It is understood. So while you are here in human form. Close your eyes and just "feel" what you are asking for. Yes there is a "asking" a asking of I trust you. Take control of my life and guide me. I will listen to you as you listen to me..

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