January 29, 2016

To make you think.....

Envision this:
You're making the commitment with Spirit to come to the earthly realm....
What do you feel...Excitement?
A vision of playing,learning,experiencing?
How's it going? 😇
Well you're still here.....fix it!


January 23, 2016

Full Moon tonight... release to the Universe what is holding you back.. DBLorgan

Full Moon tonight...
I have done this many times.. Writing and releasing are very healing.
Most often I do this by the water of the lake or ocean. Just stand in the snow lol and it wont harm anything. smile emoticon
Let it go and let the Universe clear your energy.
Love to all..

January 12, 2016

Esther Hicks helped me to get it!!

I am sooo excited. Dana and I are going for a one day seminar in Buffalo with Esther Hicks.
I listen to her on you tube all the time and was guided to her in 2004 when walking through a storm .. A timely meeting that has continued with her and others I have connected with.
She helped me to "Get it"
We have many teachers in this realm to guide and make you excited about life. Find them, don't dwell in negative payback or a group that feels others are punished for not thinking the same as you.
Just think how the beloved universal spirit looks on you. Then do the same for others..

 OK stepping off my podium of words and going to put them in my books..

Be mindful of who teaches you... By DBLorgan

View things with your inner heart and soul
Angels and Guides and Spirit light beings among us. 
It was interesting someone a few weeks ago questioned so many have passed to the spirit realm. Where are they all?
 I smiled and said you are thinking Earth and all it has is the only location for abiding. 
We exist in a UNIVERSE.... and all in the other realm are Spirit light beings.
 No flesh is there..
 It is amazing how we limit our thinking. 
 Just like not to long ago they taught the earth was flat.
 Be mindful of who the "they teachers" are..

Go within and ask your angels and guides for answers.
Go into nature or by the water you will feel more connected to them there.
Light a white candle inside .. I do
then close your mind to the chatter and sounds inside and out.
It is heard within your soul words that are not vocalled for all to hear.
They are there
for answers
for guidance
for help doing things.. 
just try
and see

Namaste DBLorgan 

{One more thing... because they are light they flow through the energy. When you sense someone you love it is because they are there trying to get your attention.
Yes it makes you cry at times but after a time be playful and they will be back.
My son passed 2014 he would always buzz in my mind.. It was so constant I had to laugh and say Richie I love you and I know your there give me some time to do what I have to do.
He was like that in this realm.. Always chattering always taking up the space haha.. So he listened.. Now? Ugh he plays with my hair when I am in the middle of doing something. I laugh and say I love you baby boy.. forever and a day.. It is just how it is.. }

January 11, 2016

Dream with no limits you can very easily!!

Dreaming with no limits...
These are mine...
* 1st at the top of my list: Create a place for the elderly like the Dutch Village did for those that had dementia.. This would be all over the USA. (yes I said wish with no limits.. lol )
*2. A foundation for a schooling program nationwide named: The Enlightened Child. Now that one is dear to my heart as the elderly is as well.
*3. To set up all over the USA at Christmas those "gift booths" in the malls. What fun that would be!! Free gifts given for receivers to give to others. How fun!!
My foundation would be called... hmmm "Live the JOY." or something like that.. 
Now that was fun!!!

So along with these touch the world with my books, my wedding ceremonies and my smile.
Loving and living life to the fullest.
It is what I do.
Much love to you my dreamers and never say never when you least expect a treasure will appear.

Love and joy to all.

January 6, 2016

A timeless story for your little ones from the timeless realm by DBLorgan

Five lovely reviews so far for Forever Mom and Dad.. I am so pleased!
As it continues and I see by those that have read it many things.
I realized this is for all the children to see their Mom and Dad are FOREVER. Whether they divorce or for a reason in life the little ones are adopted.
Truly it is a book to touch their little hearts.
I see as well as they get older they will understand this more and their questions will be answered.
It is a timeless story given to me by a timeless realm.
What a gift..
Author DBLorgan

Available on Amazon.com
Soon another story to add to the gifts. "My wish for YOU"


January 1, 2016

My wish for YOU almost ready... DBLorgan

It's fun when I am almost ready to finish one book.
Then the title for the next is given to me.

First one is available now,titled "Forever Mom and Dad" (The never ending story of YOU)

Second: "My wish for YOU". (Story is completed,just waiting for the illustrations.)
Working on them now: 1/1/16

Third: "The three faces of YOU."
I havent been given the story yet but I know where it is going to go.. And I know how to wait for my spirit guides to give it to me..
I love this..

I still have to finish my novel "In the Eye of the Beholder" as well.
It is to follow my first novel: The Memory Barrel, Second Edition..
Life is amazing and never a dull moment for sure.
All my books are available on Amazon.com

Much love to all