December 22, 2013

Feed the happy .. Stop feeding the worry. It is time right now. YOU can do it !

Just sitting here listening to my music.
 Looking out the window, I feel so much joy surrounding so many of you as we walk this journey called life.
 When you know of others that have things to overcome, let them know if they just take a moment to relax.
 Don't think of the difficult things, think of moments you had in your life that were happy.
It breaks the line of connection you have to the worry.

YOU feed the worry, or the fear.
Disconnect for a moment.. then disconnect for two moments, then three.. count with breathes or something. 
What you think you enliven more, so make it smaller by disconnecting.

In time you see what it was all about. What you were to experience and have clarity to.
 It comes I promise..
 There is never a neverending storm...
  {abundant joy to you all....DB}


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