May 19, 2015

The wisdom of Yoda a never ending truth by DBLorgan

Celebrating my grandson Romans 4th birthday in NC. What a joy to be here. When I was here last time I introduced him to Star Wars characters at the store. This time for our "date" night I told him we were going to watch the movie.. We did he was so excited.
Then tonight we all together watched the second movie.
Oh my he was all over the room asking questions and waiting for Yoda to appear. I love making memories "May the force be with you" and teaching him of this along the way...
One part made me smile as Luke was learning from Yoda how to be a Jedi. Yoda was convincing him of his powers. He had Luke convinced he could lift the plane from below the water. He tried and he tried... and said I is to heavy, Yoda said size doesn't matter. You can do this..
Well he didn't..
Yoda then showed him how it was done by using the force.
Luke said... I don't believe it as the huge plane ascends from below the water.

Yoda's reply.. That's why you couldn't do it.. You didn't believe!! {Timely isn't it... and you thought all the things that are taught now are NEW..They aren't..
"Believe it and you will see it".... It is just the way it is.. 
Namaste DBLorgan

{You should watch it again..}

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