August 7, 2013

The month of August discussion on Whispers in the Wind by DBLorgan : Smudging

We are becoming more and more aware of processes that have been used by our ancestors.
Let's learn together and consider what feels well for you.
I teach what I learn always as a teacher. 
I take for myself what is good for me.
I am of no one religious belief I am of all.
Smudging can sound a bit intimidating to many people.
Or people are very curious when you hear this term. Possibly from a book or even a television program. Yet you don't understand the why of it all.
That is what I am here for... to share the why and have you make a decision..
Yes this might work or No that isn't for me. 
Either way you tried.
 It can also look unsafe or too complicated to be practiced often.
Rest assured this is not true. Smudging is not complicated, not hard and totally safe if you follow several very simple steps.

What is important to accept, though, is that smudging
is an ancient and sacred ceremony, so it is best to do it with full awareness and in a slow, mindful manner.

As even the happiest homes accumulate in time negative vibrations, it is good to smudge your home
 thoroughly at least several times a year. You can also smudge your  office space (not during busy office hours!); as well as use smudging to clear your own energy or the energy of other people.
The burning of herbs for emotional, psychic, and spiritual purification is also common practice among many religious, healing, and spiritual groups.
The ritual of smudging can be defined as "spiritual house cleaning."
Smudging is an age-old tribal tradition which has been used for centuries to create harmony and peace.
In theory, the smoke attaches itself to negative energy and as the smoke clears it takes the negative energy with it, releasing it into another space where it will be regenerated into positive energy.  
                                                                                                        Namaste ~  DBLorgan


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