February 1, 2013

How does it work... it just does...

How does it work?... it just does.!!

 A tower sits out on your mountain top bringing in “frequencies”
for your television set..
A picture appears according to your selections
How does it happen, the intricate process..
You don’t know, you ...just know it does.
It works.. You’re happy. Programs galore available, everything imaginable.
Good and Bad.. Happy and Sad...Boring and Exciting, Drama and Peace..
Do you see?
Well use this idea as
All that surrounds, you pick up on the vibrations..
Everything imaginable is available..
Now you have to decide what “picture or action you want to see in your world”
in your "tell a vision" or mind....
If you are feeding it with worry and fear that is what you will see.

If you are feeding it with peace and fun that is what you will see..

Soooo turn the dial… pick up on what you want to experience to make you smile..

You are here to HAVE FUN and enjoy life..

If someone says you’re not…well “click”

Namaste DBLorgan

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