May 7, 2017

Learn of the angelic realm in simplicity by DBLorgan

It is time to learn and understand why I am so dedicated to my angels and the angelic realm. I truly know they exist by experience in my world. Now can I convince you of this maybe not. But when you "experience them" this is the best teacher. Then you truly know and have a clearer view. If you have read my books they all reflect their presence with me as I write.
Learning of your angels with a clearer vision of them within your mind:
There are four archangels:You and I are most familiar with.
But there are three others too:
Which I will discuss later.
Yes of course all are found within many religions and beliefs. Each one has a specific gift or should I say gifts to present to those that call on them. When you do you will find their presence in your life and become very aware of them. They are not of the flesh and bones as our realm is but of energy and spirit. But I do feel it is time to clarify. We all have "guardian angels" with us when we first come to this realm from the spirit realm. Look at them as your spiritual family that never leaves your side. EVER!
Now the four above are additional presence and essence that also stand beside you and your angels to make the experience here in this realm for you more to what you are requesting.
Raphael: Is the archangel of healing.
Michael: Is the archangel of strength and protection
Gabriel: Is the angel of messages and guidance
Uriel: Is the angel of possibilities. Some would denote as magical moments but if that term makes you uncomfortable then take it away and use unexplained moments of wonder.
I will share more later since many in this time don't like to read anything to lengthy..
I have so much love for all who want to learn have clarity and understand.


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