February 11, 2011

EFT: Tools of choice to be considered

EFT: Emotional freedom technique

So today is Feb 11th and my research has explained: Tapping is a TOOL.. by doing this you are connecting to your Emotional connection to conflicts you hold inside. These emotions can be contributing to your symptoms you are experiencing. (Stress, fear,anger,weight,headaches,insecurity,on and on)
Before you begin: examine your level of thought on a topic 1-10.. say it is an 8.. Then do the tapping process after it is done about 3 or so minutes. Then examine your stress and emotion on how you think of the topic.. YOU will see it isn’t as prominent. Do this as often as you need to. Be alone or have it quite to as it were have the thought or file directly in front of you to see it.. Now check you level on it again.. 1-10...if you need more direction send me an email I will tell you what I have..

Tapping EFT… Emotional Freedom Technique
HAND: Touch side of hand 3x " stating your concern"
And that you deeply love and accept yourself
EYEBROW: your concern (say it in a different way: I ____________)
OUTSIDE OF EYE : your concern stated again
UNDER NOSE : your concern stated again
CHIN JUST BELOW THE LIP: your concern stated again
COLLARBONE (FULL HAND): your concern
ARM PIT (4” BELOW PIT AREA): your concern
TOP OF HEAD: your concern

Websites: I will add more as I find them

Much to be read and examined. Some will say this is to simple. It is suppose to be done this way or that. The bible says the simple things confound the mighty!~ I say be well.. Listen to that that is within you not that which is in others. Your life is in your hands don’t leave it to another to be the do all for your choices. Stand in the amazing life you have been given to experience. We are given ways which may not be told by the masses to make life easier. Even a smaller group can direct your thoughts as well. Stand in your own essence of who you are. Then if the group fades you are still strong in your NOW in who you are and know that you are loved by Spirit according to no ones specific interpretation.
I am of none I am of all..

Remember!! It is good to feel good....

I am just the messenger.. and I live as I teach. It is an "Angel Thing"

Love to all
Published Author
Spiritual Counselor
Award winning Photographer
Wedding Officiant

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