September 13, 2012

My Magical Money Tree Abundance ~ by DBLorgan

My Magical Money Tree Abundance  
~ by DBLorgan ~
{Author of The Memory Barrel and upcoming novel In the Eye of the Beholder}

Well this is something I thought I should share.. 
Some of you will laugh some of you know I have had this.. and well maybe some of you will try it.. {smiling here} 
I have had for the last two years a picture on
 the back of my door going outside..
It is a picture of a money tree.. Truly.. 
Ask my kids and friends.. 
My mother use to always say "Do you think money grows on trees?".. Hmm well maybe.. soo with that remembrance I found a picture of a money tree.. 
Yes, yes I did.. I printed it out and taped in on my door..

There.... Now it will be available when I need it..{ I thought to myself}
Then..... I also hung a $20 bill under it... {I laughed as I did this!}
Why? Did I....
I was never broke now.. never!! I would have a snug day and smile seeing the $20 bill .......
What has occurred?
"I released the energy of not having, to I have".. that is all.. 
I have a money tree.. I have money... 
I am not struggling now with finances.. 
I AM SOOOOO SERIOUS...............
So go ahead hang a money tree and a twenty on your door..
 You will see it all the time you go out and it will make you smile..
I do... I have more financial comfort now than I have ever had..

TRY IT.... HA.. {Loving life ... DBLorgan}

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