A seed dreaming inside.. by Gandolf
I love this ..
Music is my muse...
Walk within and see a world of ideas and processes to guide you within your life. From teachers to stones possessing energy to calm and enhance your world and those you love. Learn ideas and processes you have heard of and chose which feels right for you to try. The gifts and treasures that are shared are endless. May you find your happy in this realm and enjoy every day to its fullest.
December 14, 2017
December 12, 2017
What if?? You change the way you think of things and then the things change.: DBLorgan
What if??
You change the way you think of things and then the things change.
What better way to begin than with your children?
What you guide them with now they will carry with them for a lifetime.
It isn't about possessions but more the essence of who they are and what they can enjoy in this realm.
Abundant life of joy to all DBLorgan
December 10, 2017
EXCITING NEWS: from Minister/Officiant DBLorgan
Another precious couple I married this summer are having TWINS..
I am in awe.
I tell all of them this happens often with my couples.
My heart is so filled with joy for them.
A true angel thing...
I LOVE MY JOB!!!!Those precious babies will be #14 and#15 for my couples..
In October of this year two of my couples were blessed with adorable baby girls.
How does it happen?
It is an angel thing...
I am a licensed minister and have been for years.
I can marry throughout the USA and never allow miles to keep me from my couples.
I would love to be with you.
Hopefully the date you decide to marry I am available.
Go to:
Read my reviews and lets make your wedding day one you and all present will always remember.
October 31, 2017
All is heard loud and clear by the Divine Spirit of life..DBLorgan
All is heard loud and clear by the Divine Spirit of life..DBLorgan
Spirit hears this..
fat, weight, bills,sadness,worry,waiting, happy, healthy,healing,appreciate,love, hate, help, guide, money, job, trust, hope,anger, fear.
Now if they are preceded by I want I wish I need I hate, that isnt heard. So chose your statements perfectly to what you want.
Words are expressions and "the emotion" behind them is what is heard and given.. You can see by what you are surrounded with what is heard. Change your thought change your emotion change you vibration and all is well..
* A special awareness is needed here as well:
There is difference with "prayer" and the "law of attraction"
Prayer is a conversation of the heart to the Divine
Law of attraction is what you believe is possible and bring it to you.
Two totally different energies.
Prayer or conversations with Spirit "Words verbally" arent necessary. In the realm of spirit communication takes place with your soul. It is understood. So while you are here in human form. Close your eyes and just "feel" what you are asking for. Yes there is a "asking" a asking of I trust you. Take control of my life and guide me. I will listen to you as you listen to me..
October 22, 2017
“Child Blessing Celebration by Minister DBLorgan”
Blessing Celebration by Minister DBLorgan”
My way......
For all ages
Most think of this in the religious world as a baptism for infants.
It is quite common in many religions. To
them it is a cleansing.
For my infant blessing it is a enlivening, to enhance their
life as they continue their journeys.
My child blessing is lovely involving the parents,
grandparents and all who want to take part in it. We all are blessing this
child together.
What do I do?
Welcoming prayer for the little one and their families.
Water poured into special vase
Each family member will pour water into a vase.
As they pour they make a promise or a wish for the
little one. This makes the water now “water of wishes and dreams”.
Then whatever my couple would like for me to say I do
but usually they are just so pleased with the blessing.
From head to foot they are blessed. How? My hand will
dip the water of blessing on their eyes.. Then I say words of blessing such as:
may you always see the beauty in life.
This continues with ears, hands, heart then their feet.
Prayer is said.
Box of promises presented
I have a special box that is handmade I bring to the
ceremony. It has an angel on top. Each person will put a small card to the baby
within. They will write a special letter to them. When will they read this..?
When they are ten years old with Mommy and Daddy.
Doing this feels so right and is such an honor to be
I love my life beyond words and will always do what is right
: *With my angels beside me.
*I will do for older children as well.
In the Jewish religion they have bar mitzvah and in Roman Catholicism they have first communion.
This ceremony is for older children. Preparing them for life. We will give them the tools to begin their life and walk through it with peace and honor. (This ceremony is a little more involved than the infants.)
Most Saturdays are occupied with weddings therefore
Sunday is best in the Spring Summer and Fall of the year.
Let’s talk lets surround you little one with this
celebrating moment as they begin their life. I will always try to watch over
them at a distance.
Write to: dblorgan@hotmail.com
there we can arrange for a phone call or a face to face meeting.
I would love to talk with you.
*(I bring the special water that has no chemicals at all totally pure)
September 9, 2017
This is YOUR WEEKEND... the one to make memories of WE GOT THIS... DBLorgan
Get out there and be silly... have fun with your family and friends near by if you're waiting for the storm. I am serious ..
break the "oh my god it is coming feeling".. and play.
Play with your neighbors.. your making memories everyone.
Turn on some music in your yards and laugh. Have a snack together and share the love..
Make this weekend a weekend of "we got this" we have each other..
Stop with the doom and gloom... you are alive now be happy and the happy will carry you through the tomorrows..
I am serious..
Love to all..
September 8, 2017
A ME DAY revelation to this hurricane and others that come.. by DBLorgan
Of course my ME days consist of listening to my angels.. I think
you all know this..
So this was just shown to me..
Take this opportunity to share with others the principles behind this very strong storm.. Ok I said...
So here it is...
The doors or windows of your understanding will open.
So this was just shown to me..
Take this opportunity to share with others the principles behind this very strong storm.. Ok I said...
So here it is...
The doors or windows of your understanding will open.
Allow me to use this hurricane to share a thought process I have
been trying to allow you to understand.
This storm has a vortex. (Center) in there it is very quiet and still and peaceful.. The momentum around it builds to make it spin and become stronger. It gets larger.. The colored pictures you see that are shared, are the temperature of the clouds and air surrounding it. But the core is the vortex of the storm. The heat that builds up around it is quite powerful and life changing.
Now let’s let you see you in this way…
Your thoughts whether one or many are the core of your life!
Create your “vortex” of you or your happy place.. It will build momentum the more you go to the thoughts of your happy place. The energy that surrounds your dreams will wipe things away that keep you from the total experience of what makes you happy. It only takes away and sweeps away the things that are contrary to your dreams or your desires. Know this as well.. when a hurricane passes over first the wind blows one way and then in a short time it blows another.. (It clears the energy in all directions or what is not part of the vortex or core of the storm.)
So let’s create our own vortex where answers come where momentum builds as you connect with Spirit. There is where you get direction, to write to build to create the full you that you were born to be… you are at peace!!
Yes … I am changing the story.. it’s my job.. love to all…. DB
This storm has a vortex. (Center) in there it is very quiet and still and peaceful.. The momentum around it builds to make it spin and become stronger. It gets larger.. The colored pictures you see that are shared, are the temperature of the clouds and air surrounding it. But the core is the vortex of the storm. The heat that builds up around it is quite powerful and life changing.
Now let’s let you see you in this way…
Your thoughts whether one or many are the core of your life!
Create your “vortex” of you or your happy place.. It will build momentum the more you go to the thoughts of your happy place. The energy that surrounds your dreams will wipe things away that keep you from the total experience of what makes you happy. It only takes away and sweeps away the things that are contrary to your dreams or your desires. Know this as well.. when a hurricane passes over first the wind blows one way and then in a short time it blows another.. (It clears the energy in all directions or what is not part of the vortex or core of the storm.)
So let’s create our own vortex where answers come where momentum builds as you connect with Spirit. There is where you get direction, to write to build to create the full you that you were born to be… you are at peace!!
Yes … I am changing the story.. it’s my job.. love to all…. DB
September 5, 2017
The Effects of CBD Oil on the body... it is life changing for myself and so many others. DBLorgan
The Effects of CBD Oil on the body...
Now, let’s take a critical look at the good stuff – specific things that I figured health-conscious people like you would really find helpful. The effects of CBD oil can be seen in the following areas:
Effect on Hormone – Hormone Balancing
One of the huge effects of cannabidiol (CBD oil) in the endocrine (hormone) system is to protect against massive stress by reducing the chances of stress-induced conditions in the brain as well as the nervous system. In essence, it reduces cortisol.
One of the huge effects of cannabidiol (CBD oil) in the endocrine (hormone) system is to protect against massive stress by reducing the chances of stress-induced conditions in the brain as well as the nervous system. In essence, it reduces cortisol.
Effect on Anxiety and Stress – Stress Reduction
Taking some dosages of CBD oil is capable of reducing anxiety (whereas THC increases it) and when CBD oil is combined with THC, it takes the anxiety off THC thus; balancing the stress level. This is due to the action of CBD oil on some receptors in the body; both of them are involved in reducing fear and panic responses to stress.
Taking some dosages of CBD oil is capable of reducing anxiety (whereas THC increases it) and when CBD oil is combined with THC, it takes the anxiety off THC thus; balancing the stress level. This is due to the action of CBD oil on some receptors in the body; both of them are involved in reducing fear and panic responses to stress.
Effect on Inflammation
Just liken inflammation as the principal problem of our modern, industrialized and fast-paced lifestyles. Of the major causes of mortality in the developed world, chronic inflammation contributes to the main causes of specifically the followings: cancer, stroke, diabetes, nephritis, respiratory disease, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
However, CBD oil has been shown to regulate as well as halt both acute and severe inflammatory diseases through various mechanisms.
Just liken inflammation as the principal problem of our modern, industrialized and fast-paced lifestyles. Of the major causes of mortality in the developed world, chronic inflammation contributes to the main causes of specifically the followings: cancer, stroke, diabetes, nephritis, respiratory disease, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
However, CBD oil has been shown to regulate as well as halt both acute and severe inflammatory diseases through various mechanisms.
Effect on Metabolism and Body Fat
Are you marveled to hear that a weed derivative could make you lose weight? Yes, it is true. Just as THC can increase your appetite, CBD can suppress it. This is worthwhile if you are watching your weight. Cannabidiol is known to destroy some of the effects of THC of which obesity is one of them.
Are you marveled to hear that a weed derivative could make you lose weight? Yes, it is true. Just as THC can increase your appetite, CBD can suppress it. This is worthwhile if you are watching your weight. Cannabidiol is known to destroy some of the effects of THC of which obesity is one of them.
Effect on Sleep
Research has shown that most adults in the developed world suffer from insomnia, insufficient sleep or sleep disorder. CBD oil has been described as been sedative. So, if you take one or two doses of CBD oil modestly; you will fall asleep like a little baby and taking quite a few doses before bedtime has a balancing effect that promotes good night sleep.
Research has shown that most adults in the developed world suffer from insomnia, insufficient sleep or sleep disorder. CBD oil has been described as been sedative. So, if you take one or two doses of CBD oil modestly; you will fall asleep like a little baby and taking quite a few doses before bedtime has a balancing effect that promotes good night sleep.
CBD Oil Benefits
The benefits of cannabidiol are surprisingly numerous. Oftentimes, people choose CBD oil for its increased effectiveness in treating debilitating conditions such as:
Depression – It relieves symptoms of depression
Epilepsy – CBD oil helps to reduce convulsions
Social Anxiety Issue – It reduces feelings of fear, anxiety, and panic
Schizophrenia – CBD lessens psychotic symptoms
Negative effects of cancer treatment – The unpleasant effects of cancer treatment can be devastating. So, cannabidiol helps to lower vomiting and nausea.
The benefits of cannabidiol are surprisingly numerous. Oftentimes, people choose CBD oil for its increased effectiveness in treating debilitating conditions such as:
Depression – It relieves symptoms of depression
Epilepsy – CBD oil helps to reduce convulsions
Social Anxiety Issue – It reduces feelings of fear, anxiety, and panic
Schizophrenia – CBD lessens psychotic symptoms
Negative effects of cancer treatment – The unpleasant effects of cancer treatment can be devastating. So, cannabidiol helps to lower vomiting and nausea.
CBD oil has been shown to protect nerve cells, decrease inflammation, and facilitate healthy blood flow in the body as well as acts as a strong anti-oxidant. Fortunately, CBD oil is legal in almost every part of the world. These products make it easier for anybody to get relief with CBD oil.
Order here - http://www.HempWorx.com/dblorgan
*Select Pure Hemp Herbal Drops
*Select Pure Hemp Herbal Drops
Shipping to more than 200 countries
July 29, 2017
Angel thing moments by DBLorgan
Another angel moment at my rummage sale: Well let me share two other stories with you of an angel moments yesterday in my rummage sale. I already told you of the puppies.. I am so excited. Story two: In the morn I was talking with my son and his wife as we shared donuts and coffee which was the tradition my mom and I did every year when we had a rummage sale at her house. xo So in the conversation I said have you ever walked through a cemetery and walked by the really old stones? They said yes. I said have you ever noticed the names on them? They arent used hardly at all now adays.. They agreed I said like Clyde.. you never ever hear Clyde or Gertrude ( which my grams name was Gertrude everyone called her Gert.. so we played with that thought and the day just continued. Later two elderly people came a very sweet couple. My son and his wife went to get us some lunch. As I visited with them the woman was looking at my table with my book display and my card to have them take a card telling of The Memory Barrel Second Edition. She was so kind and congratulating me of my success with writing. Then she says. my husband has written a couple of books too. I smiled and acknowledged really? He said yes he had. I inquired what they were about. He said one is called " Because God walked with me". I smiled and said really? He said yes.. Well then when I tell you I was guided to write this book and given the words you would totally understand that? You're going to love my book!! He said with a huge smile OF COURSE..and he picked my book up and I said it is a blending of both realms in my book. He was very curious. Then he said his second book was DUE TO THE FIRST IT WAS OF ALL THE COMMENTS PEOPLE MADE ABOUT HIS FIRST.. :) We both laughed so loud it was so much fun. What an amazing moment. Then I said extending my hand.. Well it is very nice to meet you my name is Diane. He smiled and said my name is CLYDE... HAHAH... Yes he said CLYDE. Then I laughed harder and told him of my morning conversation of the names in the cemetery . They both got the biggest kick k out of it.. Oh I wish my son was here he won't believe this he always thinks I am kind of strange.. haha.. (not really.. but he and Leanne are entertained for sure) Well just as I said that.. Guess what.. Dusty pulled in the driveway.. YEPP I said Clyde go along with me for a minute I want you to see the look on my son and his wife's face. Ok.. He said ok.. Dusty come here I said.. This man is an author too. It's nice to meet you sir he said.. Then I said tell him what the name of your book is. Then he told him.. Dusty could see there was a total connection with his book and mine. Then I said.. Well tell my son your name.. He smiled and said Clyde and Dusty's jaw dropped with surprise.. What? are you kidding me? Nope I said this is CLYDE.. I cant believe this he said.. and yes for the rest of the day we laughed about this . I walked this sweet couple to their car and pointed at my license plate. See what that says Clyde? He read it out loud.. Its an angel thing.. I like that he said.. I winked and said me tooo. My angels always let me know they are with me.. Just like bringing you and I together this very moment at a silly rummage sale.. He is going to buy my book and bring it back so I can sign it.. Sigh... well there it is.. fun huh?
July 21, 2017
Experience is the best teacher: Words just share but experience you know. DBLorgan Minister/Author
Reviews for CBD Oil and its results. I will answer any of your questions.
This is 30 day guarantee and each bottle lasts for 2-3 months.
Come look closer and see this is truly an amazing product to bring comfort and peace to so many. I am so excited to use it and share with my friends and family.
All my best
After suffering from
bipolar my whole life, I am finally able to keep it under control and live my
life. Not only am I happier, my moods have completely stabilized. I owe CBD al
the the thanks, but Hemp Worx makes exceptionally pure products. 750mg for 89!
That’s a great plus, plus they have BOGO deals. Five stars from me!
I am in LOVE with the CBD oil! Day 5 and I
feel awesome! Here is how it helped me: Heartburn – gone. Neuropathy pain –
managed. Restless Leg Syndrome – haven't had symptoms in 3 days! Focus – increased. Motivation – increased.
Mood – I feel so happy…nothing negative.
This product rocks!
I'm in love
with the hemp oil. I've had chronic knee pain for 20 yrs from playing soccer in
college and it's GONE! I'm a HUGE fan and will be sharing my testimony to
everyone. It's a
relief to finally have relief from not aching all the time ! I'm a believer! I
have had 5 knee surgeries in my life and need 2 more…( soccer goalie) Hempworx
is the ONLY thing that's given me relief from the constant aching pain. I'm a
true believer in this product!
Doctors prescribed me
many different pills and I never found one that just made me feel ok and I hated
swallowing them. I either was zombie, tired, couldn't sleep and they were so
strong it even affected my sex drive. I did quit medications two years now but
my mood energy and anxiety still had spikes. Been using CBD oil drops from Hemp
Worx 1 week now and I feel ALIVE HAPPY and even though lots of stressful family
emergencies happened this week I was able to control my mood anxiety, I
noticed my skin has improved and I sleep longer than ever before!
Did my first drops last night
and I’ve seriously had such a good day today! I woke up feeling rested and not
anxious what-so-ever. I even had some very vivid dreams, so I don’t if that
means I got a deeper sleep or what, but I’ll take it! I never dream anymore.
I was much calmer and patient
today and just ENJOYED the day today…like it was a legitimate enjoyable day and
I felt such genuine appreciation for the NOW. I’m blown away already by
this #HempWorx stuff because it’s bringing back who I KNOW I am.
I have Rheumatoid
Arthritis, I was taking Xeljanz, I have personally used the cbd oil for 2
months 500mg, 20 drops 2x a day. I have since reduced the inflammation in my
knees and hips, and I no longer take Xeljanz. I do have an occasional ache in
the knee and I have been using relief and experienced no pain after.
My Son Is Doing So Much Better!
I just wanted to say
thank you for introducing me to the CBD oil. It has changed my son. I don’t
have to remind him to take it because he knows it’s helping him. Thank you! I
feel like I almost have my sweet boy back. You are a
life saver because I didn’t know what I was going to do. He got
bullied in school so he then started bullying kids and was diagnosed with
intermittent explosive disorder. They have no meds that can help for what he
has but they wanted to try all kinds of meds on him. I kept telling them no but
he was getting worse. Thank you again!
Received my 750mg bottle of
HempWorx CBD oil last Saturday....5 drops under my tongue AM and PM....anxiety
gone, headaches gone, insomnia gone!
morning, for the first time in 6 years, I was able to work in my garden WITHOUT
using my little "garden rolling-seat" thingy!! WOW!
Peggy, It DOES! Big part of my being able to work in my garden this
morning... I'm 76 and have had hip replacement !
I have RA, RSD, migraines,
titanium up my spine, and herniated discs in my upper back and neck. I've lived
in daily pain since March 21, 2014 when we wrecked our motorcycle. My RA &
RSD has been inflamed for months where it is hard for me to get up and move at
all. My migraines had been coming 2-3 days a week for over a month. I'm
prescribed some pretty strong narcotic medications for my pain and I take a
daily migraine medication.
I started taking 5 drops twice a day of the HempWorx 500mg for 3 days and I didn't notice a lot of difference other then actually sleeping which had been minimal due to the pain. On day 4 I went up to 10 drops twice a day and within two days what a world of difference!!!
I was able to spend an entire day with my husband cleaning our RV and truck inside & out, top to bottom without pain! I actually missed the time I normally take my second dose and started to go grab some Tylenol as I had some minor aches. I remembered my dose took it and rubbed some Relief on my RSD shoulder and mid back. Within minutes the mild ache was gone and the burning nerve pain (RSD) ended!
I am so very grateful that a friend shared this with me as I've NOT taken any narcotic pain medication in days.
One of my biggest fears is developing Renal Failure due to the strong medications I've been on but with the relief I am getting with the HempWorx products that fear is gone
I started taking 5 drops twice a day of the HempWorx 500mg for 3 days and I didn't notice a lot of difference other then actually sleeping which had been minimal due to the pain. On day 4 I went up to 10 drops twice a day and within two days what a world of difference!!!
I was able to spend an entire day with my husband cleaning our RV and truck inside & out, top to bottom without pain! I actually missed the time I normally take my second dose and started to go grab some Tylenol as I had some minor aches. I remembered my dose took it and rubbed some Relief on my RSD shoulder and mid back. Within minutes the mild ache was gone and the burning nerve pain (RSD) ended!
I am so very grateful that a friend shared this with me as I've NOT taken any narcotic pain medication in days.
One of my biggest fears is developing Renal Failure due to the strong medications I've been on but with the relief I am getting with the HempWorx products that fear is gone
Thanks to CBD Oil, I
have already been out digging up my raspberry bed..half done already too!,
watered and moved all of our potted tomatoe & green pepper plants., hosed
off patio & cleaned table & chairs outside.. All of this before 9 AM!!!
And I have not even taken my morning dose yet..
TRUST me, I was never moving before noon, unless it was absolutely necessary
🤣 So, yes, this IS A BIG DEAL to me
What am I doing? I am using the HempWorx 750 mg drops..5 to 7 drops twice a day..I judge on my pain level with my fibromyalgia for the day. I have been completely off my Xanax since Day 1 of starting the oil. I tapered off my pain meds and have been completely off of those for about 2 weeks... I did take one on an afternoon where my legs were hurting bad..but yesterday I decided instead of doing that, to just take a few extra drops.. Bang! 10 min later, pain was gone!
I should also add that I was getting great results using the 500 mg drops but my hubby required the 750 mg drops for his back issues, so instead of buying both, I just adapted ove
TRUST me, I was never moving before noon, unless it was absolutely necessary

What am I doing? I am using the HempWorx 750 mg drops..5 to 7 drops twice a day..I judge on my pain level with my fibromyalgia for the day. I have been completely off my Xanax since Day 1 of starting the oil. I tapered off my pain meds and have been completely off of those for about 2 weeks... I did take one on an afternoon where my legs were hurting bad..but yesterday I decided instead of doing that, to just take a few extra drops.. Bang! 10 min later, pain was gone!
I should also add that I was getting great results using the 500 mg drops but my hubby required the 750 mg drops for his back issues, so instead of buying both, I just adapted ove
If you suffer with
restless leg syndrome, I highly recommend Hempworx CBD oil. I would wake up in
the middle of the night with excruciating pain in my legs! I could not get them
in a comfortable position to go back to sleep. The pain was to the bone! I have
been using the 750mg CBD oil for 11 days and I haven't had one night of pain
since. I sleep all night and I even dream! Love my oil!!
My daughter ordered some for Cbd oil for me a couple
weeks ago. I have had bad knees for 30 years and have had 3 knee replacements.
I have osteoarthritis and some rheumatoid. Two days after I started taking it
my knees felt so much better. After 4 days pain was gone and arthritis is so much
better. I have been in pain for so long it is great not to hurt
I have also lost 15 lbs. I used to just come home and set down because I hurt so bad. Now I keep going til bedtime. It is great. I have signed up as an affiliate. I hope I can help people with pain and diseases to find out about this.
I have also lost 15 lbs. I used to just come home and set down because I hurt so bad. Now I keep going til bedtime. It is great. I have signed up as an affiliate. I hope I can help people with pain and diseases to find out about this.
I've been using the drops for about a week now. I have felt some
relief but I know more is coming.
But omg my daughter has
been complaint of her knee hurting her for awhile. She is 13 and a goalie. So
she takes some beating. This weekend she had a tournament and got pretty
bruised up. She had been rubbing the oil into her knee and has been having
relief. She was doing this prior from some knee pain. She is a happy campe
So I have had a
tension head ache for almost a week!! And my husband rubes his relief cream on
my neck and you guess what happen!??? Yes gone in like 5 minuets!! And I keep
these headaches at least 3 weeks out of the month and here recently they have
gotten worse!! But I'm a true believer of this product!
i wanted to just give
all of you my friends an update on the cbd oil i have been taking for about a
month. in less than 30 days it has lowered my blood pressure. i have lost 10
pounds. i have more energy. i have been dabbing it on spots on my body. i have
had a skin tag on my neck i have had since i was pregnant with my youngest son
(21 years) dry up and fall off. i have had a mole under my eye go away. a large
mole on my arm still going away. it is much smaller and a white spot on my nose
i thought i was going to have to go to a doctor and have it cut out
>>>now gone. this cbd oil works like magic/miracle
Mother Natures way of making us feel better! SHE HAS THE CURES JUST TAKE THE TIME TO FIND THEM.
Why was I drawn to this? My choice products: One for the cannabis.. haha no just kidding! But I know cannabis is a product that has helped so many with health issues. Yes there is medical marijuana for those that can get a script. But these products have it all in them without the THC which is why the industry has it illegal.
I am sure that will change soon.
So with that said as I found the CBD oil I was so impressed. I have aches and pains (we all do). This oil with 5 to 10 drops under your tongue twice a day takes away the aches and pains.
I am not in this to make money from your purchases which are there too. But to provide you all with a healthy alternative to taking prescription drugs and other over the counter medicines that damage your internal organs after years of use.
These products are all natural; they are even safe for your children!
When I receive my products I will make up samples for you to try. I am buying bottles to send them in and for $5 I can mail them to you with a 2 day supply to try them.
I know the CBD oil is $69 which has 1,000 drops in it. Now that will last two to three months. It is a 30 day money back guarantee too. .
So go to this link fill in your name and lets begin this journey of health and joy together. Taking care of issues from insomnia to rheumatoid arthritis. I will attach the list of issues the CBD oil has helped. You will just say "Oh my gosh" when it works. This is to huge to pass it by..Read all the top information links on my site!
Much love to all
Take the tour... and see for yourself. "Feel better and enjoy life" that is my motto.
Take the tour... and see for yourself. "Feel better and enjoy life" that is my motto.
June 4, 2017
You and your destiny
Let no one control your life through words or thoughts of fear. Trust in the spirit realm and your life and destiny. You do have one.. "a destiny a destination" to say I am here.
I am alive and most of all I touched the world.
I am alive and most of all I touched the world.
May 31, 2017
Weddings your way by New York State Minister Officiant DBLorgan
<3 span="">

5.0/5.0 Quality of Service: 5.0 Responsiveness: 5.0 Professionalism: 5.0 Value: 5.0 Flexibility: 5.0
Denise said...
When you have a vision for your wedding and it comes together just like you dreamed, that's what Diane can do for you. I cannot say enough good things about her. The process with her was so easy. Our wedding was personal, heart felt and absolutely perfect. My husband has three wonderful children who we wanted included in the wedding, she made the entire ceremony about family even including our mothers in the service. Our wedding guests kept telling us how it was the best ceremony they ever attended. Doesn't get much better than that. Thank you Diane for helping make our day so perfect. A day that we will remember for all of our days!
Wedding: 04/22/2017
Denise said...
When you have a vision for your wedding and it comes together just like you dreamed, that's what Diane can do for you. I cannot say enough good things about her. The process with her was so easy. Our wedding was personal, heart felt and absolutely perfect. My husband has three wonderful children who we wanted included in the wedding, she made the entire ceremony about family even including our mothers in the service. Our wedding guests kept telling us how it was the best ceremony they ever attended. Doesn't get much better than that. Thank you Diane for helping make our day so perfect. A day that we will remember for all of our days!
Wedding: 04/22/2017
5.0/5.0 Quality of Service: 5.0 Responsiveness: 5.0 Professionalism: 5.0 Value: 5.0 Flexibility: 5.0
Jade said...
Our experience with Diane was amazing from the very beginning! We waited until the last minute to find an officiant and when I met with her, I just knew she was who we wanted! She instantly makes you feel comfortable and you can tell she really loves what she does. At our rehearsal, I was an emotional, anxious mess and the weather was cold and rainy. She was so wonderful and helped ease my mind. My mother could not stop talking about how much she liked her all night! The day of the wedding, she knocked it out of the park! I could not have asked for a more fun, relaxed, heartfelt ceremony! I can't say enough about her! She is truly amazing and I feel very grateful that my marriage started with her! Thank you, Diane, for everything! I HIGHLY recommend! She puts everything into making your ceremony reflect you as a couple and everyone at my wedding could not stop raving about her!!
Jade said...
Our experience with Diane was amazing from the very beginning! We waited until the last minute to find an officiant and when I met with her, I just knew she was who we wanted! She instantly makes you feel comfortable and you can tell she really loves what she does. At our rehearsal, I was an emotional, anxious mess and the weather was cold and rainy. She was so wonderful and helped ease my mind. My mother could not stop talking about how much she liked her all night! The day of the wedding, she knocked it out of the park! I could not have asked for a more fun, relaxed, heartfelt ceremony! I can't say enough about her! She is truly amazing and I feel very grateful that my marriage started with her! Thank you, Diane, for everything! I HIGHLY recommend! She puts everything into making your ceremony reflect you as a couple and everyone at my wedding could not stop raving about her!!
There is no location to far for me to be with you.
We create your ceremony together making it just as you dreamt of all these years.
Give me a call lets see if we can be together!!
Email: dblorgan@hotmail.com

May 30, 2017
It is good to read books again and again..I even go back and reread my books I have written. DBLorgan
As I'm reading again through the Memory Barrel I smile remembering this segment.
It is taking place at a book signing that Deborah Pratt is doing at the Novel cafe she meets a very special lady named Arabella and finds that Arabella had been reading her book all along this is one of the special parts that she read to everyone that was here for the book signing that Arabella like the best.
Believe me there's so much more to this book than just this one segment this is the second edition and it was released in 2015 so buy yourself a copy and walk with Deborah Pratt and all her friends and family through life and see magic does happen
Order your copy from Amazon or from Author DBLorgan to have it personally signed by her.
This book is sure to touch your heart as it has so many since the first addition was released in 2009.
She found there were things that were missing as she reread the first edition again and republished the second edition. Why? To make way for her next novel
In the Eye of the Beholder
Coming in 2018
She released this on the eve of 2009 a blue moon night.
So all that read it would say a book such as this comes along once in a blue moon.
You will experience the magic of the story as you get surrounded by her magical characters.
DBLorgan recommends you read the Second Edition.
I became an author one page at a time. One moment at a time.
This is sure to touch your heart.
May 12, 2017
I have read many readings on angels by many teachers.
Doreen Virtue is the first that comes to mind.
I became aware of her much after I had experiences with my angels.
Her literature is wonderful and thought provoking.
So this is the second entry I will place on my blog from her website: Enjoy! DBLorgan
I am a teacher a teacher of what I have learned and experienced.
Of course experience is the best teacher of all.
So learn at your own pace maybe you just need clarity.
You have guardian angels with you right now. These angels are pure beings of Divine light who are entirely trustworthy and who want to help you with every area of your life. The word angel means “messenger of God.” Angels carry messages between the Creator and the created, like Heavenly postal carriers.
We don't worship or pray to the angels, because we only worship God. Nor do the angels want to be worshipped. As messengers of God, they carry prayers and messages between the Creator and the created (us). If you worry whether you're connecting with God's trustworthy angel, or a lower energy, ask God and Archangel Michael to protect you and to provide a barrier . . . so that no one, human or spirit, who is not of God's pure love can come near to you. Once you ask, this is done.
Angels love everyone unconditionally. They look past the surface and see the godliness within us all. They focus only on our Divinity and potential, and not on our “faults.” So angels aren’t judgmental, and they only bring love into our lives. You’re safe with the angels, and you can totally trust them.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, because the angels believe in you. They see your inner light, they know your true talents, and they understand that you have an important life mission. They want to help you with everything.
You don’t need to have special training, be saintlike, or engage in religious work to commune with the angels. They help everyone who calls upon them, no matter what. The angels’ assistance is free of charge, always available, and there are no “catches” involved.
Those who regularly contact their angels report great improvements in their lives. They feel happier, more peaceful and confident, and less afraid of death or the future. They know that they’re not alone, because they have trustworthy guardians watching over them.
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